
International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People 29 November

In 1977, the General Assembly called for the annual observance of 29 November as the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People (resolution 32/40 B). On that day, in 1947, the Assembly adopted the resolution on the partition of Palestine (resolution 181 (II))

In resolution 60/37 of 1 December 2005, the Assembly requested the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People and the Division for Palestinian Rights, as part of the observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People on 29 November, to continue to organize an annual exhibit on Palestinian rights or a cultural event in cooperation with the Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine to the UN.
The observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People also encouraged Member States to continue to give the widest support and publicity to the observance of the Day of Solidarity.

Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, showing a copy of 
the ‎application for UN ‎membership which he submitted to 
the Secretary-General in 2011. ‎Palestinians are ‎seeking 
non-member state status at the current General Assembly
‎session.‎ UN Photo.

A special message from UNESCO's Director-General  Ms Irina Bokova

"Over the new year 2009-2010, an international group of 1500 men and women from 42 nations went to Egypt to join a Freedom March to Gaza. They did this to protest the current blockade of Gaza. To protest the fact that the people of Gaza live in a virtual prison. To protest the fact that a year after the terror attack by Israeli armed forces destroyed most of their homes, hospitals, schools, and other public buildings, they have no possibility to rebuild because their borders are closed. The would be Freedom Marchers wanted to peacefully draw attention to the predicament of the Palestinian population of Gaza. The Egyptian government, (funded to the tune of $2.1 billion a year, by us, the US tax payers), would not allow the marchers to approach Gaza. How lame is that? And how predictable! I live in the USA and during this time Dec 25th 2009-Jan3rd 2010 I saw no reference to Gaza or the Freedom March or the multi national protesters gathered there. Anyway I was moved, in the circumstances, to record a new version of " We shall overcome". It seems appropriate."

Roger Waters


Roger Waters - Every Strangers Eyes

Roger Waters - Every Strangers Eyes - The Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking - 1984


Waitress: "Hello...you wanna cup of coffee?"
Customers: "Heh, turn that fucking juke box down
You want to turn down that juke box...
loud in here"
Waitress: "I'm sorry, would you like a cup of coffee?
Ok you take cream and sugar?"

In truck stops and hamburger joints
In Cadillac limousines
In the company of has-beens
And bent-backs and sleeping forms
On pavement steps
In libraries and railway stations
In books and banks
In the pages of history
In suicidal cavalry attacks
I recognize
Myself in every stranger's eyes

And now from where I stand
Upon this hill I plundered from the pool
I look around, I search the skies
I shade my eyes, so nearly blind
And I see signs of half remembered days
I hear bells that chime in strange familiar ways
I recognize
The hope you kindle in your eyes

It's oh so easy now
As we lie here in the dark
Nothing interferes it's obvious
How to beat the tears
That threaten to snuff out
The spark of our love




The 12.12.12 Hurricane Sandy MSG benefit  in New York City has announced its lineup, and it is one big name after the other.  Paul McCartney, The Who, Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, Roger Waters, Billy Joel, Alicia Keys and Kayne West will all bring their talents to this all-star benefit show. The proceeds from this event will go to benefit the  Robin Hood Relief Fund’s hurricane recovery efforts.  The concert will take place at Madison Square Garden, and is the biggest benefit concert for Sandy announced yet.  Ticketing information will be available soon.

Clear Channel Media and Entertainment, The Madison Square Garden Company, and the Weinstein Company is the group putting on this major event.  This is the same group that produced and sponsored the historic 9/11 benefit “The Concert for New York City”.  A message on the Robin Hood website states “As the tri-state region begins to recover from Sandy’s stunning and acute devastation along the coastal areas of Long Island, Queens, Staten Island, Connecticut and New Jersey, there remains an enormous task of rebuilding both the infrastructure and thousands of shattered lives. ‘12.12.12’ presents an important opportunity for the community and nation to come together to provide significant support to these communities as they confront staggering short- and long-term issues.”
For more information  click here www.robinhood.org/

From liveforlivemusic.com

Roger Waters & Eric Clapton - Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope - Wish You Were Here

Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope
Roger Waters & Eric Clapton
Wish You Were Here rehearsals
BBC Studios, London, UK
January 15, 2005


Thursday 15th November 2012 by Patrick Davies | Photos by WENN

Pink Floyd star Roger Waters has announced that he will perform the band's iconic album The Wall in full at Wembley Stadium in 2013. Ticket details below.

The former guitarist for the prog-rock legends will bring the show to London on 14 September 2013.

Tickets for the show go on sale on Wednesday 21 November and are priced between £60 and £75. He announced he would be touring the album around Europe's stadiums for the first time earlier this week.

Shows in Germany, Italy, The Netherlands and Ireland, were announced, but it took until today for Waters to reveal the British leg of the tour would take place at Wembley.

At a performance at London's O2 Arena last year, Waters was joined by ex-Pink Floyd bandmates David Gilmour and Nick Mason.

And at today's press conference for the 2013 shows, Waters also commented on the likelihood of Gilmour again joining him on next year's tour.

He said: "I haven’t had any conversations with David about that. I think it’s extremely unlikely. By and large, David’s retired as far as I can tell, but you’d need to ask him that. It’s nothing to do with me.”

Upon announcing the tour Waters said: "It's going to be a lot of fun for all of us. I've reworked the show to play outdoors in large stadiums. "It's really good. Even more moving, engaging, dramatic and thrilling than the arena shows."

Waters went on to speak about how advances in technology mean he is more comfortable taking the show to larger venues, after he previously stated he would not perform the show in an outdoor setting.

He added: "I've had to rethink the whole thing about stadiums. This wide wall stadium show couldn't have been done 40 years ago.

"We couldn't have filled the space in a way that would have been emotionally, musically and theatrically satisfying. Technology has changed. Now we can."

Tickets go on sale 21 November, 2012. For more information visit Gigwise Gig Tickets.

See David Gilmour join Roger Waters for a performance of 'Comfortably Numb' at London's O2 Arena below.

From gigwise.com

Roger Waters baut die Mauer wieder auf


London (RP). Eine Begegnung mit dem Pink-Floyd-Gründer in London: Der 69-Jährige geht 2013 mit "The Wall" neuerlich auf Europa-Tournee. Die Show soll noch gigantischer werden als zuvor. Waters will sein Publikum überwältigen.

Roger Waters hat einen passenden Ort für die Präsentation seiner neuen Tournee ausgesucht. Das Mayfair Hotel liegt nur wenige Gehminuten von der Carnaby Street entfernt, jenem mythischen Platz, an dem in den 60er Jahren alles seinen Anfang nahm. Dort begann London zu swingen, da trafen sich die Beatles und die Stones, Pink Floyd und Mary Quant. Ein halbes Jahrhundert ist das her, und seitdem hat sich viel verändert. Soho und Mayfair sind nun noble Stadtteile, Rolls-Royce und Stella McCartney haben ihre Läden dort, Burberry und die Rolling Stones. Ja, tatsächlich: Die Band betreibt einen eigenen Shop in der Carnaby Street, es gibt T-Shirts mit Zungenlogo und die neue Best-Of-CD, und alles ist ein bisschen teurer als anderswo. Darüber denkt man also nach, als Roger Waters den Raum betritt. Die erste Frage an ihn lautet entsprechend so: Warum nehmen sie auf den teuersten Plätzen bis zu 240 Euro für eine Konzertkarte? Darauf Waters: "Meine Auftritte sind Luxusartikel. Wie meine Rolex." Er zeigt auf seine Armbanduhr.

Man weiß bei diesem Kerl nie so genau, ob er nun sehr lässig ist oder doch eher störrisch. Fest steht: Roger Waters ist ein Gigant. Gemeinsam mit Paul McCartney und Mick Jagger gehört der Bassist, Gelegenheitssänger, Texter und Komponist der 1965 gegründeten englischen Band Pink Floyd zu den größten lebenden Rockstars der Welt. Die Titel von nur drei Alben genügen, um seinen Rang zu dokumentieren: "The Dark Side Of The Moon" (1973), "Wish You Were Here" (1975), "The Wall" (1979).

Mit letzterem will er 2013 abermals auf Tour gehen, und wer sich darüber wundert, weil der 69-Jährige das Konzeptalbum doch gerade erst ausführlich auf der ganzen Welt aufgeführt hat, sei an die Statistik verwiesen: Waters nahm mit den "The Wall"-Konzerten in den vergangenen Jahren rund 380 Millionen Dollar allein durch Ticketverkäufe ein. Selbst für einen Mega-Multimillionär Grund genug für eine Verlängerung, und die wird größer ausfallen, gigantischer – noch und nöcher.

"The Wall" gehört bei allem Respekt dann doch zu den weniger starken Werken Pink Floyds. Sicher, da sind "Comfortably Numb", "Run Like Hell" und natürlich "Another Brick in The Wall Pt. II". Aber das Album als Ganzes? Harte Kost, düstere Stimmung. Eine Teenager-Symphonie aus der Hölle; den Erwachsenen vor die Füße gerotzt. Als Soundtrack zum Schmusen ungeeignet. Den Menschen geht es damit jedoch wie mit den wuchtigen Denkmälern, die an die alte Zeit erinnern: Das Küssen und Streicheln haben die Bronze allmählich in glänzendes Gold verwandelt. Rogers jedenfalls spielt nur mehr in Stadien, zumeist Open Air, Bombast total, eine Surround-Sound-Orgie, auch die visuelle Komponente der Show wird verstärkt. Waters: "Als ich jung war, hatte ich etwas dagegen, in Arenen zu spielen, weil ich meinte, zu 50 000 Menschen könne man keine Beziehung aufbauen." Und heute? "Habe ich meine Meinung geändert."

Waters trägt den Ausgeh-Anzug des Rock-'n'-Roll-Hochadels: Jeans, schwarzes T-Shirt, Sakko. An beiden Ringfingern funkelt es. Das graue Haar hat er sich hinter die Ohren gestrichen. Manchmal zuckt es in seinem Gesicht. Er wirkt wie ein Schauspieler der Royal Shakespeare Company, der sich für die Titelrolle in "Macbeth" warm macht. Wenn sich Waters über eine Frage freut, beugt er den Oberkörper nach vorne und zeigt mit dem Finger auf den Sprechenden. Wenn er nachdenkt, kneift er das rechte Auge zu. Und wenn er eine große Antwort vorbereitet, zupft er an seinem weißen Kinnbart. Was ist so toll daran, im Stadion zu spielen, Herr Waters? "Der Triumph."

Waters tritt alleine in seine eigenen Fußstapfen. Von Pink Floyd steht nichts mehr auf den Tourplakaten, da ist nur mehr der Name Roger Waters. "The Wall" markierte einst das Ende der Gruppe in ihrer einträglichsten Besetzung, auf die Veröffentlichung folgten jahrelange Rechtsstreitigkeiten und schließlich die Trennung von David Gilmour, Nick Mason und dem 2008 gestorbenen Richard Wright. "Heute gehe ich auf die Bühne und genieße The Wall", sagt Waters. In den 70ern sei das nicht möglich gewesen, man zickte sich im dichten Trockeneis-Nebel ständig an, vor allem zwischen Waters und seinem geliebten Feind David Gilmour ging es hoch her. Manchmal sollen sogar Fäuste geflogen sein. Waters spricht gentlemanlike von "Spannungen".

Zur Auflockerung eine Frage, die eingefleischte Floydianer erfreuen dürfte: Herr Waters, warum spielen sie bei den Wall-Konzerten nie den Song "When The Tigers Broke Free"? Oberkörper, Finger. Waters lächelt. Für Laien: Das Lied wurde von Waters' Bandkollegen einst für das Album "The Wall" abgelehnt – man kann sich ungefähr vorstellen, wie er darauf reagiert haben mag. Es kam dann aber in der "Wall"-Verfilmung durch Alan Parker aus dem Jahr 1982 vor; Bob Geldof spielte darin die Hauptrolle. Das Stück handelt von Waters' Vater, der im Zweiten Weltkrieg fiel. Sehr persönlich, sehr intim – und eben deshalb problematisch. "Das Lied ist zu sehr Roger Waters. Ich möchte die Show allgemeiner halten. Die Mauer als Metapher. Darum geht es, das macht das Konzept so erfolgreich."

Faszinierendes Thema: die anhaltende Popularität von Pink Floyd. Sie sind unübertroffen. Man höre sich nur noch einmal "Shine On You Crazy Diamond" an: so groß! Oder die Ballade "If" vom Album "Atom Heart Mother": unsterblich! In den USA werden jedes Jahr knapp 400 000 Exemplare von "Dark Side Of The Moon" verkauft – obwohl das Album 40 Jahre alt ist. Was sagt dieser Erfolg über die aktuelle Musikproduktion? Zupfen am Bart. "Fragen sie das jemanden, der sich mit aktueller Musik auskennt", sagt Waters. Und: "Ich habe mich nie für Popmusik interessiert." Und "The Wall"? Was finden die Menschen daran? Waters kneift das rechte Auge zu. "Die Menschen verstehen, dass wahr ist, was sie da hören. Sie wissen, dass ich das alles gefühlt habe. Daran ist nichts künstlich."

Waters veröffentlichte seit 1992 kein Solomaterial mehr – wenn man von der Oper "Ça Ira" absieht. Aber er schrieb weiter Songs, und nun pflegt er eines seiner neuen Lieder in das Programm ein. Das Stück wird auf "Another Brick In The Wall Pt. II" folgen, und es geht darin um den Brasilianer Jean Charles de Menezes, der 2005 von Scotland-Yard-Beamten in einer Londoner U-Bahn-Station erschossen wurde, weil sie ihn mit einem Terrorverdächtigen verwechselten.

Waters, der Sozialkritiker. Er hat sein intellektuelles Panzerarmband nie abgelegt, der Mann mit dem Geldspeicher ist beinharter Sozialist. Schon bei Pink Floyd war das so: David Gilmour kümmerte sich um die Schönheit, um die flirrenden, leisen, traurigen Momente. Er war das Herz der Band. Roger Waters besorgte den Rest, den Wahnsinn, die Ausraster, die Schizo-Stimmen, Psycho-Sounds und Störgeräusche. Er war der Kopf der Band. Anders gesagt: Wenn Gilmour im Hotelzimmer ein schief hängendes Bild sah, rückte er es gerade. Waters warf es aus dem Fenster.

Apropos Gilmour. Der trat im Mai 2011 überraschend in London für das Gitarrensolo von "Comfortably Numb" zu Waters auf die Bühne. Wird es das wieder geben? Waters baut ein neues Element in seine Choreographie ein: Er klappt den Unterkiefer so weit herunter, wie es geht. Dann kratzt er sich im Mundwinkel. Die Kobra kurz vor dem Biss. Gleich wird es giftig. "Ich habe lange nicht mehr mit David Gilmour gesprochen", sagt er. Kein Frühling im Kalten Krieg der Progrock-Großmächte? Will er nicht auch diese Mauer endlich einreißen? Waters: "Es liegt nicht an mir. Gilmour ist einfach zu müde, um mit mir zu telefonieren."

Jemand gibt Zeichen: Die Zeit ist um. Waters redet noch kurz über die Jugend von heute. Sie sitze ständig am Computer, das mache ihm Angst. Neil Postmans Analyse aus den 80er Jahren sei weiterhin gültig: "Wir amüsieren uns zu Tode". Dann schlägt er die Handflächen auf die Oberschenkel: "That's it."

Beim Abschied sagt der Tourmanager, dass wegen der starken Nachfrage fünf weitere Auftritte in Europa bestätigt wurden. Es sind nun zwei Dutzend Termine. The Wall forever. Zurück geht es wieder über die Carnaby Street. Eine Boutique wirbt dort mit einem Zitat von Coco Chanel: "Mode ist vergänglich, Stil bleibt."

From nachrichten.rp-online.de


Roger Waters appearing in New York stage play The Exonerated

It was confirmed in Tuesday  by the producers of the show, that Roger Waters will appear in the revival of "The Exonerated", the play about wrongfully convicted survivors of death row.
Roger and the actress Kathleen Chalfant will join the rotating cast of the critically acclaimed play for the production's final week at the Culture Project at 45 Bleecker Street in the East Village, appearing from November 27th, 2012, through to December 2nd, 2012. The majority of the shows are at 8pm, although the final day of the show (a Sunday) has a matinee performance at 3pm as well. Ticket links are below.
"The Exonerated" follows the true stories of six people who were sentenced to death and later freed after evidence of their innocence came to light. It had its premiere in October 2002 and ran for over 600 performances, with a rotating cast of stars reading accounts by former death row inmates.
The Culture Project revived the show in September to note its 10th anniversary, and several stars have joined the six-person company for temporary stints, among them Stockard Channing, Brian Dennehy and Brooke Shields.

Performance times and ticketing links:

27 November, 8pm:ORDER TICKETS
28 November, 8pm:ORDRE TICKETS
29 November, 8pm:ORDER TICKETS
30 November, 7pm:ORDER TICKETS
  1 December, 8pm:ORDER TICKETS
  2 December, 3pm:ORDER TICKETS
  2 December, 7pm:ORDER TICKETS

Written by Matt    



Roger Waters au Stade de France en 2013 avec "The Wall" - culturebox, 15/11/2012

Roger Waters, membre fondateur de Pink Floyd et principal créateur du mythique opéra-rock "The Wall", a annoncé jeudi une nouvelle tournée européenne des stades l'été prochain, avec une halte le 21 septembre au Stade de France, ultime date de la tournée.

Cette tournée de 25 dates débutera le 20 juillet en Belgique au festival rock de Werchter et fera étape notamment à Rome le 28 juillet, Athènes le 31, Istanbul le 3 août, Oslo les 14 et 15 août, Berlin le 4 septembre, Amsterdam le 9, Londres le 14 et à Dublin le 18 septembre.

La tournée des stades, on y prend goût...

L'ancien bassiste de Pink Floyd, qui présente "The Wall" en tournée depuis 2010, a expliqué lors d'une conférence de presse qu'il avait réadapté l'opéra rock spécialement pour les stades parce qu'il "voulait vraiment retourner en Amérique du sud" où il n'y a pas de salles de concert. Une tournée des stades a ainsi eu lieu là-bas entre mars et avril 2012.
"Il y a quelque chose d'extrêmement gratifiant dans le fait de communier avec autant de gens", a-t-il confié. "En 1975-1977, quand nous jouions avec Pink Floyd dans des stades, je n'aimais pas beaucoup ça. J'avais l'impression que nous étions déconnectés des gens mais en fait je pense que cette déconnexion était celle qu'il y avait au sein du groupe plutôt qu'entre nous et le public".

Ne comptez pas sur David Gilmour

Roger Waters a précisé qu'il y avait peu de chance que David Gilmour, chanteur et guitariste de Pink Floyd, le rejoigne sur scène comme il l'avait fait au O2 Arena de Londres l'an passé. "Je n'ai pas parlé avec David à ce sujet", a-t-il dit, "je pense qu'il est à la retraite".

Un opéra-rock qui fait toujours salle comble

"The Wall", 11e album de Pink Floyd paru en 1979, est un opéra-rock racontant la vie d'un anti-héros, Pink. Oppressé dès son enfance par sa famille et l'école, il construit un mur imaginaire autour de lui pour se protéger. Devenu rock star, Pink sombre peu à peu dans la folie au point de se prendre pour un dictateur fasciste, avant de se révolter et de détruire son propre mur.
Le spectacle a été joué près de 200 fois de part le monde devant plus de 3,3 millions de spectateurs.
Pour expliquer ce succès qui ne faiblit pas avec les années, le Britannique, qui vit désormais à New York, a estimé "que les gens comprennent que c'est sincère. Je ne prétends rien. J'écris ce que je ressens, il n'y a pas d'artifice".

From www.francetv.fr/culturebox


Roger Waters honoured at IAVA Sixth Annual Heroes Gala

 November 13, 2012. Roger Waters was honoured as recipient of the IAVA 2012 Artistic Leadership Award at IAVA's Sixth Annual Heroes Gala at Cipriani 42nd Street, New York City.

"Roger Waters’ achievements as a songwriter and live performer have spanned over four decades and have established him as a major force and influence in the progress and development of popular music. He was a founding member of the multi-platinum rock band Pink Floyd, serving as bassist and co-lead vocalist. Mr. Waters’ “Fallen Loved Ones” project was an integral part of his recently completed record-breaking “The Wall” tour, making him an important advocate and valued friend to the veterans community."
"...Roger Waters accepted our inaugural Artistic Leadership Award and closed the evening with a breathtaking acoustic performance, accompanied by the legendary G.E. Smith. You can check out all the photos here." iava.org

NEW YORK, NY - NOVEMBER 13: Veteran Aaron Mankin (R) presents the 2012 Artistic Leadership award to musician Roger Waters at IAVA's Sixth Annual Heroes Gala at Cipriani 42nd Street on November 13, 2012 in New York City. (Photo by Ben Gabbe/Getty Images for IAVA)

NEW YORK, NY - NOVEMBER 13: Musician Roger Waters speaks at IAVA's Sixth Annual Heroes Gala at Cipriani 42nd Street on November 13, 2012 in New York City. (Photo by Ben Gabbe/Getty Images for IAVA)

Photo by Ben Gabbe/Getty Images for IAVA

Photo by Ben Gabbe/Getty Images for IAVA

Photo by Fernando Leon/Getty Images for IAVA


Roger Waters Stand Up For Heroes Concert - video

Roger Waters Added To 6th Annual Stand Up For Heroes Benefit Presented By The Bob Woodruff Foundation And The New York Comedy Festival

Musical Performances of John Mayer, Bruce Springsteen and Roger Waters

Nov. 8th 2012

Roger Waters Stand Up For Heroes Interview


Watch Roger Waters “On The Table” Cooking Programme

Roger Waters appeared on the cooking programme On The Table with his good friend Eric Ripert. Roger Waters tells Eric Ripert his uncensored opinion on everything from the 2012 U.S. Election to the Patriot Act to personal greed to being an ardent atheist. The mood isn’t always serious as both share some good wine, cook a langoustines appetizer, shrimp tacos with salsa, and steak au poivre main course.

He also discusses the new studio album he has been working on called Heartland so that is something to look forward to!

“The Heartland idea sort of came from another song I wrote maybe 15 years ago, or longer even, which was a song that I wrote for a movie – a really, really bad movie called Michael that was about an angel,” Waters said. “I’m absolutely determined to make another album. And I think this new song may give me the chance to do that. It provides a cornerstone and a core idea for me to write a new album about. You know, it’s just one of my obsessions, which is, I’m sort of obsessed with the idea that religious extremism is a maligned factor in most of our lives.”

From rogerwaterstours.com

Roger Waters plays with band of wounded veterans - The Wall Street Journal

November 9, 2012

Associated Press

NEW YORK — Roger Waters honored wounded veterans in New York by performing with them at the annual Stand Up for Heroes benefit, Thursday night.

The founding member of Pink Floyd took to the stage of the Beacon Theater with 14 wounded soldiers he met recently at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C. He rehearsed with them at the hospital, and for the past few days in New York.

The event benefited the Bob Woodruff Foundation, which helps returning veterans and their families, and featured Waters, Bruce Springsteen, Ricky Gervais, Robin Williams, and others.

Before the show, Waters chatted with veterans and called the experience "fantastic." He says he's "looking forward to pulling for the rest of these guys with their comrades" during the healing process.

He says that he shares "enormous empathy with the men."

"I lost my grandfather in 1916 and my father in 1944, so I've been around the sense of loss and what loss from war can do to people," Waters said.

"I never talk about the politics because it's not relevant to me. I'm not interested in it," he said. "What I am interested in is the burdens these guys bear and would never question motive or even dream of talking about any of the politics."

He added: "If any of us have a responsibility in our lives it is to tear down the walls of indifference and miscommunication between ourselves and our fellow men."

Waters said he rehearsed with many of the soldiers at the hospital in between their medical procedures. Before the show, he walked the red carpet with Staff Sgt. Robert Henline, who was not in the band. In 2007, Henline was the sole survivor of a roadside bombing north of Baghdad. As a result, he suffered burns over 38 percent of his body and his head was burned to the skull.

Henline, who fought for his life after the attack, has endured more than 40 surgeries.

Still, he maintains a sense of humor. On the open red carpet on a chilly night, Waters pushed closer to Henline for warmth.

"Get next to the burn guy. I'm good. I'm heated up," Henline joked.

No surprise. The retired soldier says he's been doing stand-up comedy for the past year and a half.

Waters performed three songs with the veterans, including the Pink Floyd classic, "Wish You Were Here."

Waters said he didn't think there would be a reunion with his former band.

"I think David (Gilmour) is retired by and large. I shouldn't speak for him. But that's the impression I get."

Waters then added: "Hey whatever. All good things come to an end."

While his mammoth tour of "The Wall" ended this summer, Waters promised the theatrical version would hit the Broadway stage in the near future.

The Bob Woodruff Foundation has supported more than 1 million veterans, service members, and their families since it began in 2008.

From online.wsj.com

Roger Waters 2013 European Tour Dates Announced

Roger Waters is set to return to Europe in 2013 to perform at least 20 more renditions of The Wall tour. Further concerts will be announced shortly so make sure you get our Free Newsletter for further details.

Many of the shows will be on a grand scale being outdoor open-air stadium performances as have been done in the Americas on the last leg of the 2012 tour.

For these large open air stadiums, Roger Waters has re-designed and scaled up The Wall show to create the ultimate stadium event, bringing The Wall experience even closer to fans wherever they are sitting and making the production even more encompassing in large venues.

Roger Waters says, “I’m extremely glad to be playing The Wall in Europe again. It’s going to be a lot of fun for all of us. I’ve reworked the show to play outdoors in large stadiums. It’s really good. Even more moving, engaging, dramatic and thrilling than the Arena shows. I’ve had to rethink the whole thing about stadiums. This wide wall stadium show couldn’t have been done 40 years ago. We couldn’t have filled the space in a way that would have been emotionally, musically and theatrically satisfying. Technology has changed. Now we can.”

Roger Waters 2013 Tour Dates

JULY 2013

2013-07-20 - Roger Waters - Werchter Festival Site - Werchter – Belgium
2013-07-23 - Roger Waters - Stadion Poljud - Split – Croatia
2013-07-26 - Roger Waters - Stadio Euganeo - Padua – Italy
2013-07-28 - Roger Waters - Stadio Olimpico - Rome – Italy

August 2013

2013-08-07 - Roger Waters - Synot Tip Arena - Prague – Czech Republic
2013-08-09 - Roger Waters - Commerzbank Arena - Frankfurt – Germany
2013-08-11 - Roger Waters - Parken (Copenhagen) - Copenhagen – Denmark
2013-08-14 - Roger Waters - Telenor - Oslo – Norway
2013-08-15 - Roger Waters - Telenor - Oslo – Norway
2013-08-17 - Roger Waters - Ullevi Stadium - Gothenburg – Sweden
2013-08-20 - Roger Waters - Stadion Narodowy - Warsaw – Poland
2013-08-23 - Roger Waters - Donauinsel - Vienna – Austria
2013-08-25 - Roger Waters - Puskás Ferenc Stadium - Budapest – Hungary
2013-08-28 - Roger Waters - Piata Constitutiei - Bucharest – Romania
2013-08-30 - Roger Waters - Vasil Levski Stadium - Sofia – Bulgaria

September 2013

2013-09-01 - Roger Waters - Usce Park - Belgrade – Serbia
2013-09-04 - Roger Waters - Olympiastadion - Berlin – Germany
2013-09-06 - Roger Waters - Esprit Arena - Dusseldorf – Germany
2013-09-08 - Roger Waters - Amsterdam Arena - Amsterdam – Netherlands
2013-09-18 - Roger Waters - Aviva Stadium (Dublin) - Dublin – Ireland



Roger Waters in Zagreb, Croatia, 2011. Photo by Željko Jelenski

Zagreb, Croatia, 13.04.2011

Roger Waters - The Wall Live Europe 2013 ticket presale soon?

Under the banner, "Last Chance to see the masterpiece The Wall", official German ticketing website Eventim are now taking registrations for those interested in more information on the pre-sales for the much talked about, but yet to be officially confirmed, 2013 Roger Waters The Wall Live tour of Europe.
On their site, they note that this will be the "last chance for fans to experience the greatest show of all time live". They add that since 2010, some 3.3 million people have seen the shows, and that for 2013, there are three German concerts planned - in the east, the west, and the Rhine-Main area - as well as an open air concert in Austria.
They are stating that presales start on November 14th, and if you register on their site as interested in these shows, they will guarantee you a place in their presales.

Whilst we don't normally report rumours, or unconfirmed details, Eventim (one of the largest German official ticketing agents) are normally extremely reliable - and often first to reveal such information. Once we have more information for you, we will of course let you know...

From www.brain-damage.co.uk
Written by Matt  

Roger Waters joins Stand Up for Heroes benefit

The Bob Woodruff Foundation(BWF) and the New York Comedy Festival have just announced that John Mayer and Roger Waters have joined the bill at the 6th annual Stand Up for Heroes event on Thursday, November 8th, at the Beacon Theatre, New York, in addition to previously announced performers Mike Birbiglia, Ricky Gervais, Patton Oswalt, Jon Stewart, Bruce Springsteen and Robin Williams. Roger Waters will be performing with a band comprised of military veterans.
Musical performances will be streamed live on YouTube and available worldwide on Remind.org, the website of the Bob Woodruff Foundation as the 6th annual Stand Up for Heroes gala kicks off at the same time as the event, 8pm EST. Viewers of the live stream will be able to make donations to the BWF to help support injured service men and women.
"We look forward to this event all year, because we are always honored when we get to meet the inspirational men and women who have served our country so heroically," said Bob Woodruff, co-founder, the Bob Woodruff Foundation. "In addition, we are amazed at the caliber of talent we are able to pull in for the benefit. These performers simply want to help give back to the men and women who have sacrificed so much. We hope that the social media component, new this year, will enable more people to enjoy the show--and will raise even more awareness for the cause that lies behind it."
For more information about the event, and the Bob Woodruff Foundation, visit remind.org.
In separate Waters news, Roger Waters is amongst the top nominees at the 2012 Billboard Touring Awards, scheduled for next Thursday (November 8th) at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City. Roger's The Wall Live tour is up against competition from Bruce Springsteen, Madonna, Coldplay and more in a couple of categories. They are in the running for the Top Tour category, which acknowledges the highest-grossing tour of the year. Meanwhile, Springsteen, Waters and Coldplay are vying for the Top Draw award, which is awarded to the tours that have sold the most tickets.

From www.brain-damage.co.uk
Written by Matt  

La Vallée - The Valley (1972 - full movie), music by Pink Floyd

La Vallée is a 1972 French film written and directed by Barbet Schroeder. The film stars Bulle Ogier as Viviane, a woman who goes on a strange and accidental voyage of self-discovery through the New Guinea bush. The Pink Floyd album Obscured by Clouds is the soundtrack to the film. The actress credited as "Monique Giraudy" is actually an alias of Miquette Giraudy, longtime vocalist/synthesizer player who went on to play in progressive rock/space rock band Gong, with her partner Steve Hillage, and later formed electronic group System 7 with Hillage.

Roger Waters - Interview on Howard Stern Show